#housesitting Apr 27, 2013 5 weeks Australia Longford Longford Gippsland VIC

View Housesit Details for #housesitting Apr 27, 2013 5 weeks Australia Longford Longford Gippsland VIC
We need a sitter/s for our place !

We require a sitter or sitters for about 5 weeks in April/May 2013 while we go overseas. We have a house on 18 acres, 16 kms from the nearest town, Sale, in Central Gippsland. Sale is a regional hub with supermarkets, specialty shops, clubs, restaurants, cafes, nurseries, sporting facilities, parks, rail link to Melbourne or Bairnsdale, service stations, library, galleries, etc etc.

Our home is about 20 kms from 90-mile beach and is driving distance to the Great Dividing Range. Beautiful countryside and lakes surround us with at least 3 types of fishing available. The area is diverse with many attractions and places of interest to visit.

The house is solid sandstone and quite large. It is heated by wood heaters in winter and the guest bed room has an electric blanket and a nobo heater. The house remains fairly cool in summer although there is an air conditioner and fans as well. We have digital tv and wireless internet. There is an in-ground swimming pool, large water tanks and a bore for stock water. The water is heated by LPG. The cooking is all electric however, there is a gas BBQ on the back patio. The house paddock lawn may need to be cut using a ride on mower, petrol mower and a whipper-snipper. The garden beds may need to be watered using sprinklers and hoses from the bore and there are a few pot plants. The rubbish is collected weekly by a private contractor. Our neighbours are capable and friendly and will help out if needed. The mail will need to be collected from the mailbox at the end of the street. We will cover electricity, rubbish collection and gas for your stay, but will want you to pay for any calls you make.

We have a range of animals which require varying levels of care.

Our two young kelpie X dogs, Kel and Ruby, love attention and need at least one walk a day along the unsealed road we live on. They also love car trips and are well behaved in cars. Kel and Ruby are inside dogs and have their own door to get in and out of the house. They are fed twice a day and both need fresh water at all times.

Our cat, Flynn, is a ginger tabby and comes and goes as he pleases. He needs to have dry food and water available at all times and gets tinned food in his bowl once a day. He is very friendly and loves being patted.

We have a flock of 16+ geese who need feeding twice a day when being locked up for the night, and when being let out for the day. We have fox problems so they need to be secure at night. They are fed broken up bread which you may need to buy from bakers in town in black garbage bags for $5 a bag. (sold as chook bread) (We will leave money for this) They have a bucket in the morning and again at night and will go into their pen at dusk ready to be locked up for the night. They spend the day wandering and foraging on the property and need their water ponds filled every few days from the bore and the water trough in their pen kept fairly full. We have 3 chooks which need to be watered and fed daily and let out of their fox proof home in the morning and locked up again at night. Their eggs have to be collected and eaten.

We have two pythons which need to be fed dead mice and/or rats weekly. To do this they need to be separated into two cages but if snakes are a problem, they can be boarded at a friend's house.

If you believe you would like staying here and that you can fulfil our requirements, please contact us


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